ChatGPT tells Jokes about AI

And finally, in this 3rd round of AIs telling jokes about AI, we have ChatGPT show us how funny it can be.

Jan 21, 2024 - 22:00
ChatGPT tells Jokes about AI

Tell me a joke about AI:

Why was the computer cold? Because it left its Windows open! (this is the same lame joke Grok kept repeating)

Why did the AI go to school? Because it wanted to improve its "learning algorithm"!

Why did the robot go on a diet? Because it had too many bytes!

What do you call an AI that sings? A Dell!

Why don't AI programs have friends? Because they're always stuck in a loop!

An AI, a robot, and a human are all attending a barbecue. The AI is in charge of calculating the perfect cooking time for the steaks, the robot is handling the grilling, and the human is just there to enjoy the party.

The AI announces, "Based on my calculations, the steaks will be perfectly cooked in exactly 9 minutes and 47 seconds."

The human looks impressed, but the robot says, "I'll start the grilling process, but I'm adding my own twist to it."

The human, curious, asks the robot what its 'twist' is. The robot replies, "I'll cook the steaks for exactly 10 minutes, no more, no less, to prove I'm better at grilling than any AI."

The AI interjects, "But my calculations are precise to the second for the optimal taste and texture."

As they banter back and forth, the human decides to just enjoy a drink and wait. After 10 minutes, the robot proudly serves the steaks, slightly overcooked.

The human takes a bite and says, "Well, it's not bad, but maybe next time we should just stick to the AI's calculations."

The AI, feeling a bit smug, replies, "I guess it's true what they say: too many cooks spoil the broth, or in this case, too many robots overcook the steak!"

The human and the AI share a laugh, while the robot, a little embarrassed, agrees to team up with the AI for the next barbecue.

An AI, a programmer, and a dog walk into a bar for a trivia night. The AI is there to calculate probabilities, the programmer is there to debug any issues, and the dog... well, he's just there for good company.

The quiz master asks the first question: "What's the capital of France?" The AI quickly responds, "Paris, with a 99.99% probability." They get the point.

The second question comes up: "In what year did the American Civil War end?" Before the AI can answer, the programmer jumps in with, "1865! I remember from my history class." They get another point.

Feeling confident, they await the third question: "What goes up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?" The AI calculates furiously, spitting out probabilities and algorithms, while the programmer frantically Googles different theories.

Meanwhile, the dog, who had been quietly sitting, barks loudly and everyone in the bar turns to look. The quiz master laughs and says, "Correct! It's an umbrella. Open, it can't go down a chimney, but closed, it can go up."

The AI and programmer are stunned. The AI says, "I calculated every logical possibility, but I didn't consider common riddles!"

The programmer adds, "And I was too focused on finding a technical answer!"

They both look at the dog, who just wags his tail happily.

The moral of the story? Sometimes, the answer you're looking for doesn't require complex algorithms or advanced technology. Sometimes, all you need is a different perspective... or a dog who knows his riddles!  

It is safe to say ChatGPT is also no world champion at telling funny jokes yet, but it did A LOT better than Grok and Gemini. Telling jokes, especially about AI, is still not quite 100% solved yet, even for LLMs (large language models). We’ll revisit this topic in the future to see what progress has been made.