Bonus: More shape shaped shapes

The image I shared in my main post isn't one of the more incorrect examples of DALL-E3 generated guides - it's actually one of the more correct ones.Here's another generated image from the same prompt.Prompt: "Please generate a colorful guide to

May 4, 2024 - 15:59
Bonus: More shape shaped shapes

The image I shared in my main post isn't one of the more incorrect examples of DALL-E3 generated guides - it's actually one of the more correct ones.

Here's another generated image from the same prompt.

A grid of cheerful cartoon shapes, each with labels. At the upper left is a correctly labeled circle. At the upper middle is a cube labeled
Prompt: "Please generate a colorful guide to basic geometric shapes, as an aid to children learning to identify basic shapes."

Particularly found of the Suadle and the Sarsle.

And this one. I've noticed the upper left image is usually a correctly labeled yellow circle. In my animals example, the upper left image was usually a correctly labeled lion. Maybe there's some kind of upper left bias to how DALL-E3 generates its images?

At the upper left, a yellow circle labeled "circle". Next to it, a triangle sitting on two rectangles, labeled "squale". Next to that is a hexagon labeled "squarle" with golden lines and curls radiating from its top. Next row has a star labeled "squale" and two triangles labeled "triangle". Bottom row has a hexagon labeled "secange", a star labeled "recaxnge", and a hexagon labeled "hexxogon".
Prompt: "Please generate a colorful guide to basic geometric shapes, as an aid to children learning to identify basic shapes."

I like how the squarle has majesty lines.