54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Demystifying marketing jargon one term at a time. Increase the effectiveness of your interactions with ChatGPT for marketing tasks by understanding these key terms.

Aug 20, 2023 - 14:16
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

In today's fast-paced digital world, the significance of leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI in marketing cannot be overstated. With Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT or Bard, they can revolutionize your marketing efforts if you know how to communicate with it effectively.

This comprehensive but not exhaustive guide is designed to break down 54 key marketing terms you should know when interacting with ChatGPT for marketing-related tasks. By understanding these terms, you can ensure more precise and beneficial outcomes from your AI. Think of it like learning a new language – the more words (or terms) you know, the better you can express yourself (or in this case, get the AI to do what you want). And you will get a prompt you can use for each one.

So, whether you're planning to create a sales copy, a marketing campaign, or even something as specific as testing email subject lines using the BAB or PAS frameworks, we've got you covered.

Table of Contents

Digital Marketing: In the digital age, this category is all about utilizing online and internet-based platforms to connect with and engage customers. It comprises various techniques from SEO to social media marketing.

    1. A/B Testing (also relevant in Conversion and Sales Funnels)
    2. Clickthrough Rate (CTR)
    3. Content Marketing (also relevant in Content and Copywriting)
    4. Conversion Rate (also relevant in Conversion and Sales Funnels)
    5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) (also relevant in Conversion and Sales Funnels)
    6. CPC
    7. CPA
    8. Inbound Link (also relevant in Inbound and Outbound Marketing)
    9. Landing Page (also relevant in Conversion and Sales Funnels)
    10. Long-Tail Keyword (also relevant in Content and Copywriting)
    11. Native Advertising
    12. PPC
    13. SEO
    14. SMM
    15. User-generated Content (UGC)

Conversion and Sales Funnels: These terms revolve around the customer journey from awareness to conversion. They highlight the techniques and strategies to optimize this journey to achieve maximum conversions.

    1. AAARRR
    2. Conversion Funnel
    3. Lead Magnet (also relevant in Content and Copywriting)
    4. Top of the Funnel

Customer Relations and CRM: This category highlights terms that focus on customer relationship management and strategies that place the customer at the heart of business operations.

    1. CAC
    2. CRM
    3. Customer Engagement
    4. Customer Journey
    5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)
    6. Customer Persona (also relevant in Market Research and Analysis)
    7. Customer Segmentation (also relevant in Market Research and Analysis)

Content and Copywriting: Content is king, and this category underlines the importance of creating engaging, informative, and optimized content that attracts and retains customer attention.

    1. AIDA Framework
    2. BAB Framework
    3. Evergreen Content
    4. PAS Framework

Inbound and Outbound Marketing: These terms describe different techniques to draw customers to products and services, either by attracting them in (inbound) or reaching out (outbound).

    1. Call-to-Action (CTA) (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    2. Inbound Marketing
    3. Outbound Marketing

Branding and Positioning: Branding is about creating a unique identity and value proposition for a business. This category includes terms that deal with building and managing this identity and positioning it in the market.

    1. Brand Awareness
    2. Brand Equity
    3. Brand Positioning

Social and Viral Marketing: This category covers terms that emphasize the use of social media and viral trends to spread marketing messages and engage audiences.

    1. Hashtag (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    2. Influencer Marketing (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    3. Influencer Persona (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    4. Social Proof
    5. Viral Marketing

Market Research and Analysis: This category includes terms related to the analytical aspects of marketing, such as competitor analysis and identification of key performance indicators.

    1. Competitive Analysis
    2. Ideal Customer Profile
    3. KPI
    4. SWOT

Growth and Other Marketing Strategies: This category contains terms that don't fit neatly into the other categories but are still integral parts of marketing strategies, focusing on growth, engagement, and optimization.

    1. Bounce Rate (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    2. Conversational Marketing (also relevant in Customer Relations and CRM)
    3. Contextual Marketing (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    4. Demand Generation
    5. Flywheel Ideology
    6. Growth Marketing
    7. Keyword (also relevant in Digital Marketing)
    8. Retargeting (also relevant in Digital Marketing)

Digital Marketing

This category is all about utilizing online and internet-based platforms to connect with and engage customers. It comprises various techniques from SEO to social media marketing.

A/B Testing

Definition: A method in marketing that involves comparing two variables, such as webpage designs or email subject lines, among a split audience to determine which one performs better.


Use Case: Headlines in email campaigns can greatly influence the open rate. For example, an ecommerce business might A/B test the headline "50% Off Summer Sale Starts Now!" versus "Your Summer Wardrobe Awaits at Half the Price!" to identify which one drives more opens.

When is it Relevant?

When you are planning marketing campaigns, it's useful to test different variations to see what works best.

Sample Prompt

"Can you provide me with some ideas for A/B testing subject lines for our upcoming email campaign?"

Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

Definition: The ratio of users who click on a specific link or ad to the number of total users who view it.


Use Case: Optimizing clickthrough rates measures online campaign effectiveness. An online bookstore could A/B test ad designs on Google Display Network to find out which generates a higher CTR, informing future ad design decisions.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to evaluate the performance of your online ads and optimize them to increase the number of clicks they receive.

Sample Prompt

"How can we improve the CTR of our display ads on Google AdWords?"

Content Marketing

Definition: A strategic marketing approach focused on creating, publishing, and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.


Use Case: A good content strategy aligns with business objectives. A fitness blog might create posts around workout routines, nutrition tips, and motivational stories to engage readers and promote their online personal training services.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to attract and engage your target audience through valuable content that aligns with their interests and needs.

Sample Prompt

"What types of content should we create to effectively engage our target audience in the travel industry?"

Conversion Rate (CR)

Definition: The percentage of users who complete a desired action out of the total number of users.


Use Case: Conversion rate optimization is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of marketing efforts. For instance, a SaaS business might streamline its sign-up process to increase the rate of website visitors becoming trial users.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to measure and improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by increasing the percentage of visitors who take desired actions.

Sample Prompt

"What strategies can we implement to increase the conversion rate of our online checkout process?"

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Definition: Conversion Rate Optimization, a practice that involves improving the ratio of website visitors who convert into customers.


Use Case: A data-driven approach can enhance landing pages and user flows. For instance, a digital news outlet might use website analytics to redesign their homepage layout, making top stories and subscription CTAs more prominent to increase engagement and subscriptions.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to optimize your website's performance in terms of converting visitors into customers by using data-driven testing and optimization techniques.

Sample Prompt

"We want to improve our website's CRO. Can you suggest some best practices for optimizing our landing pages?"

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

Definition: Cost Per Click, a billing method for online advertising where the advertiser pays each time their ad is clicked.


Use Case: Managing CPC bids effectively can optimize ad spend. A local restaurant advertising on Google Ads might adjust their bids for the keyword "restaurants near me" based on time of day or week to maximize ad visibility when potential customers are most likely to dine out.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to manage your paid advertising campaigns effectively, optimize your cost per click bids, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Sample Prompt

"What is the ideal CPC bid range for our Google Ads campaign targeting the finance industry?"

Cost-Per-Action (CPA)

Definition: Cost Per Action, a billing method for online advertising where the advertiser pays each time a specified action, like a sale, click, or form submit, is performed.


Use Case: Optimizing CPA can improve marketing ROI. For instance, an online fashion retailer might test different ad creatives and targeting strategies to lower the CPA of their Facebook advertising campaign.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to measure and optimize the cost-effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by analyzing the cost per desired action taken by users.

Sample Prompt

"How can we reduce our CPA and increase the number of leads generated through our Facebook advertising?"

Inbound Link

Definition: A link coming from another website to your own website. Inbound links are an important part of SEO.


Use Case: Inbound link strategies can boost SEO. A health website might create a highly researched article about nutrition, aiming to earn links from other sites and improve their search engine ranking.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to enhance the credibility and authority of your website by earning inbound links from other reputable websites, thereby driving more organic traffic to your site.

Sample Prompt

"How can we attract more inbound links to our website to improve our SEO and increase organic traffic?"

Landing Page

Definition: A standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It's where a visitor "lands" after they click on a link in an email, or ads from Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or similar places on the web.


Use Case: Optimizing landing pages maximizes conversions. An e-learning platform might test various designs and messaging on their course sign-up page to increase enrollment rates.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to create a dedicated web page that is specifically designed to drive conversions or capture user information as part of your marketing campaigns.

Sample Prompt

"We're running a new Google Ads campaign. Can you help us design an effective landing page to drive conversions?"

Long-Tail Keyword

Definition: A keyword phrase that typically contains three or more words and is highly specific. These can be less competitive to rank for in search engine results and often have a higher conversion rate.


Use Case: Long-tail keywords attract a more targeted audience. A pet food store might target the long-tail keyword "grain-free dog food for large breeds" to draw in potential customers looking for this specific product.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to target more specific and niche audiences by incorporating longer and more specific keyword phrases into your content and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, increasing the chances of attracting more targeted traffic and potential customers.

Sample Prompt

"How can we optimize our blog posts with long-tail keywords to capture niche audiences in the pet care industry?"

Native Advertising

Definition: A type of advertising where the ad matches the form, feel, and function of the content of the media on which it appears. It's designed to blend in with its surroundings.


Use Case: Native advertising integrates with the user experience on a platform. A mobile game developer might create an ad that appears within similar gaming apps, seamlessly introducing their game to potential players.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to promote your brand or products in a less intrusive and more seamless manner by integrating your advertising into the platform or content where it appears, increasing brand exposure and engagement.

Sample Prompt

"We're considering native advertising. Can you provide examples of successful native ad campaigns in the food and beverage industry?"

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Definition: Pay Per Click, an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their online ads.


Use Case: PPC campaigns drive targeted traffic. An online shoe store might run a Google Ads campaign targeting keywords like "running shoes sale" to attract people actively looking to buy running shoes.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to drive targeted traffic to your website or landing page by running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, where you pay a fee each time your ad is clicked.

Sample Prompt

"We want to launch a PPC campaign. What budget and bidding strategy do you recommend for our online retail store?"

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Definition: Search Engine Optimization, the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.


Use Case: SEO strategies boost website visibility. A local bakery might optimize their site for keywords like "bakery in [city name]" and build links through local food bloggers to improve their search engine ranking.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to improve your website's visibility and organic search rankings by implementing techniques and strategies that align with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices.

Sample Prompt

"What are the best practices for optimizing our website's SEO to rank higher on search engine results pages?"

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Definition: Social Media Marketing, the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.


Use Case: Social media marketing can increase brand exposure. A clothing brand might run a "share and win" campaign on Instagram, encouraging users to share their purchases for a chance to win a gift card.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to promote your products or services, increase brand awareness, engage with your audience, and drive conversions using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Sample Prompt

"Can you provide us with some tips on running effective social media marketing campaigns for our beauty salon?"

User-generated Content (UGC)

Definition: Any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that have been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis.


Use Case: User-generated content increases brand authenticity. A restaurant might encourage diners to share their meal photos with a branded hashtag, creating a gallery of real customer experiences that potential diners can view.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to leverage the content created by your users or customers, such as reviews, testimonials, or social media posts, to promote your brand or products, increase brand authenticity, social proof, and engagement.

Sample Prompt

"How can we encourage our customers to create and share user-generated content related to our fitness products?"

Conversion and Sales Funnels

These terms revolve around the customer journey from awareness to conversion. They highlight the techniques and strategies to optimize this journey, aiming to achieve maximum conversions.


Definition: This framework stands for Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention, and Referral. It's a tool to understand and optimize the customer lifecycle in a business. It's also referred to as the Pirate Funnel.


Use Case: Mapping customer journey stages can reveal areas that need enhancement. For example, a software-as-a-service company might notice a drop-off in user engagement during the onboarding process, prompting them to revamp their onboarding tutorials to better engage new users.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to understand and optimize the various stages of your customer's journey, from initial awareness to post-purchase loyalty.

Sample Prompt

"Can you suggest strategies to increase customer retention in the AAARRR framework?"

Conversion Funnel

Definition: The process or journey a customer goes through from the initial point of contact to the final action or purchase.


Use Case: Optimizing the conversion funnel can increase sales. An online course platform might identify a bottleneck at the payment stage and introduce more payment options to enhance conversion rates.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to understand and optimize the journey your customers go through, from the first touchpoint to conversion, in order to improve overall conversion rates.

Sample Prompt

"How can we optimize our conversion funnel to increase sales for our e-commerce website?"

Flywheel Ideology

Definition: A business approach that replaces the traditional sales funnel with a model in which customer satisfaction drives referrals and repeat business.


Use Case: Customer satisfaction strategies can turn customers into advocates. For example, a software company might offer excellent customer support and regular feature updates based on customer feedback, earning positive reviews and referrals.

54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to focus on creating exceptional customer experiences and turning satisfied customers into loyal brand advocates to drive sustainable business growth.

Sample Prompt

"We want to adopt a flywheel ideology for our business. What are some effective tactics to delight our customers and turn them into brand advocates?"

Lead Magnet

Definition: A free item or service given away for the purpose of gathering contact details, such as email addresses.


Use Case: Lead magnets attract potential customers. A digital marketing agency might offer a free SEO audit tool on their website, collecting contact information from businesses who might be interested in their services.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to incentivize potential customers to provide their contact details by offering them valuable free assets or exclusive content, helping you generate leads for your business.

Sample Prompt

"We're launching a lead generation campaign. Could you suggest some effective lead magnet ideas for our target audience in the technology sector?"

Top of the Funnel

Definition: The stage of the buying process where the buyer realizes they have a problem. This is the awareness stage.


Use Case: Top of the funnel content attracts potential customers. A digital marketing blog might create a beginner's guide to SEO to attract aspiring digital marketers, then offer more advanced resources and training courses as they move down the funnel.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to create content and experiences that capture the attention of potential customers and introduce them to your brand or products at the initial stage of their buying process.

Sample Prompt

"We're looking to create educational blog posts to attract prospects at the top of the funnel. Can you suggest some engaging topics?"

Customer Relations and CRM

This category highlights terms that focus on customer relationship management and strategies that place the customer at the heart of business operations.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Definition: Customer Acquisition Cost is a metric that calculates the average expense of gaining one new customer.


Use Case: Calculating Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) aids in determining marketing and sales efficiency. For instance, a subscription box company might optimize its ad campaigns to lower the CAC while maintaining or increasing subscription rates.

When is it Relevant?

When you're looking to optimize your marketing and sales efforts to acquire new customers more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Sample Prompt

"Can you provide me with strategies to reduce our CAC and increase customer acquisition?"


Definition: Customer Relationship Management, a type of software that allows companies to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.


Use Case: Implementing CRM systems can streamline customer relationship management. A B2B company, for instance, might use a CRM to track leads, follow up on sales opportunities, and manage marketing campaigns in one centralized location.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to effectively manage and nurture your customer relationships, track interactions, and streamline your sales and marketing efforts.

Sample Prompt

"What are some recommended CRM platforms for small businesses in the retail industry?"

Customer Engagement

Definition: The process of interacting with customers through a variety of channels and strengthening your relationship with them.


Use Case: Customer engagement strategies foster customer relationships. A luxury skincare brand might host exclusive events for loyal customers to create memorable experiences and foster long-term loyalty.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to build stronger connections with your customers and encourage active participation in your brand's marketing activities.

Sample Prompt

"How can we enhance customer engagement through our email marketing campaigns?"

Customer Journey

Definition: The complete process that a customer goes through when interacting with a company or brand, from initial discovery or awareness through to purchase and beyond.


Use Case: Customer journey mapping identifies service gaps. A car rental service might find that customers find their booking process complex, prompting them to simplify the process to enhance customer satisfaction.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to understand and optimize the end-to-end experience that your customers have with your brand, from the first touchpoint to ongoing support and loyalty.

Sample Prompt

"Can you help us analyze the customer journey for our online subscription service and suggest improvements?"

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Discover how integrating AI into customer surveys can elevate your customer feedback process, unlocking deeper insights and enhancing your startup’s success. Learn about the benefits and considerations for this innovative approach.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Definition: The predicted total net profit that a business can make from any given customer throughout the duration of their relationship.


Use Case: Calculating CLTV informs marketing strategy. An online grocery store might find that customers who engage with their recipe blog have a higher CLTV, leading them to promote their blog more heavily in their marketing efforts.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to determine the long-term value of your customers and develop strategies to increase their lifetime value by focusing on retention, upselling, and cross-selling.

Sample Prompt

"How can we increase our CLTV through targeted upselling and cross-selling strategies?"

Customer Persona

Definition: A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.


Use Case: Customer personas guide marketing strategy. A gaming app company might create personas like "Casual Gamer Gary" or "Competitive Gamer Grace" to guide their advertising and in-app messaging strategies.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to better understand your target audience and tailor your marketing strategies, messaging, and content to specific customer segments.

Sample Prompt

"We're launching a new product. Can you help us create customer personas to better understand our target audience and tailor our marketing efforts?"


Be careful as with creating Customer Personas. Ozzy Osbourne and Prince Charles are two vastly different people, but if you are looking at their types: Both male, both born in 1948, raised in the UK, married twice, lives in a castle.

54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Customer Segmentation

Definition: The practice of dividing a company's customers into groups that reflect similarity among customers in each segment.


Use Case: Customer segmentation enables personalized marketing. A wine subscription service might segment customers by taste preferences to send personalized wine recommendations, increasing customer satisfaction and purchase frequency.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to personalize your marketing messages and campaigns by dividing your customer base into specific segments based on shared characteristics or behaviors.

Sample Prompt

"What are some effective ways to segment our customer base for our email marketing campaigns?"

Content and Copywriting

Content is King, and this category underlines the importance of creating engaging, informative, and optimized content that attracts and retains customer attention.

AIDA Framework

Definition: A model that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, which outlines the stages of consumer engagement during the buying process.


Use Case: Writing compelling ad copy is crucial in digital advertising. A travel agency, for instance, could create a Facebook ad with the copy "Embark on an unforgettable adventure!" to attract people looking for unique travel experiences.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to design marketing materials or landing pages that effectively grab attention, generate interest, build desire, and drive action.

Sample Prompt

"How can I optimize my landing page to follow the AIDA framework for better conversions?"

Harnessing ChatGPT & AIDA for Effective Marketing
The world of marketing constantly evolves, and as budding marketers, it’s crucial to keep pace. One such revolutionary change is the synergy of AI technology, like ChatGPT, with proven marketing frameworks like AIDA. Let’s unravel this combination.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

BAB Framework

Definition: A copywriting formula that stands for Before, After, Bridge. It's used to highlight a customer's problem, illustrate the solution, and show how to bridge the gap.


Use Case: A persuasive sales letter can boost conversions. A home security company might mail a letter outlining neighborhood crime rates (pain point), how their system can protect the home (solution), and a limited-time discount (call to action).

When is it Relevant?

When you're creating sales letters or persuasive copy that addresses customer problems, presents solutions, and guides them towards making a purchase decision.

Sample Prompt

"Could you help me with writing a sales letter using the BAB framework for our new product launch?"

Unleashing the Power of BAB Framework with ChatGPT
Uncover the power of the BAB framework and ChatGPT with an explanation of what it is, a free prompt for you to use, and examples of how it can transform your marketing strategies.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Evergreen Content

Definition: Content that continues to be relevant long past its publication, so traffic grows over time.


Use Case: Evergreen content provides consistent, long-term value. A personal finance blog might create a comprehensive guide to investing in stocks, attracting readers and potential customers over time.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to create content that provides long-term value and continues to attract and engage readers, regardless of when they come across it.

Sample Prompt

"Could you suggest evergreen content ideas that would resonate with our target audience in the health and wellness niche?"

PAS Framework

Definition: A copywriting formula that stands for Problem, Agitate, Solution. It’s used to address a customer's problem, intensify their feeling about the problem, and then offer a solution.


Use Case: Persuasive sales copy motivates potential customers. An insurance company might highlight the risks of going uninsured and the peace of mind their coverage offers in their sales copy, prompting readers to get a quote.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to create persuasive sales copy or landing page content that addresses and highlights the customer's problem, intensifies their pain, and presents a compelling solution, encouraging them to take action.

Sample Prompt

"Can you help us create a landing page using the PAS framework to promote our new productivity software?"

Unlocking the Power of the PAS Framework with ChatGPT
Understand the power of the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework, a proven copywriting technique, and discover how it can enhance your marketing strategy.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing

These terms describe different techniques to draw customers to products and services, either by attracting them in (Inbound) or reaching out (Outbound)

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Definition: A message, typically in the form of a button or link, that encourages users to perform a specific action such as making a purchase, downloading a file, or subscribing to a newsletter.


Use Case: Effective CTAs prompt desired actions. A software company might use the CTA "Start your free trial today!" on their landing page to drive sign-ups.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to design engaging and persuasive prompts or instructions that encourage users to take specific actions on your website or in your marketing materials.

Sample Prompt

"Please suggest some effective CTAs for our landing page to increase sign-up rates."

Inbound Marketing

Definition: A business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them.


Use Case: Inbound marketing strategies attract customers organically. A plant nursery might offer a free guide on home gardening tips in exchange for email subscriptions, nurturing these leads over time with helpful content and product recommendations.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to attract and engage potential customers by creating valuable content and experiences that align with their needs and interests, using techniques such as content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), and lead nurturing.

Sample Prompt

"Can you provide tips on implementing an effective inbound marketing strategy for our B2B software company?"

Outbound Marketing

Definition: A traditional method of marketing seeking to obstruct potential customers. Outbound marketing includes activities such as trade shows, seminar series, email blasts to purchased lists, internal cold calling, outsourced telemarketing, and advertising.


Use Case: Outbound marketing can reach a broad audience. A car company might run TV commercials during popular sporting events to introduce their new model to a wide audience.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to reach out to potential customers using traditional marketing techniques such as print ads, TV commercials, direct mail, or telemarketing, to generate brand awareness and drive customer engagement.

Sample Prompt

"What are the best outbound marketing channels to reach our target audience in the real estate industry?"

Brand and Positioning

Branding is about creating a unique identity and value proposition for a business. This category includes terms that deal with building and managing this identity and positioning it in the market.

Brand Awareness

Definition: Refers to how familiar consumers are with a particular brand and its products or services.


Use Case: Brand awareness campaigns can elevate a company's visibility. A new cosmetic brand might collaborate with influencers and leverage social media channels to spread the word about their products.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to increase the visibility and recognition of your brand among your target audience.

Sample Prompt

"How can we enhance our brand awareness among millennials through social media?"

Brand Equity

Definition: Represents the added value a brand name gives to a product or service in the marketplace. It's a measure of a brand's reputation, influence, and value.


Use Case: Building brand reputation can solidify customer loyalty. For instance, a coffee shop could emphasize its sourcing ethics and community involvement to differentiate from chain competitors.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to establish a strong brand reputation and loyalty that sets you apart from competitors.

Sample Prompt

"What are some key factors that contribute to building brand equity in the luxury fashion industry?"

Brand Positioning

Definition: A strategic process that involves defining how a brand differentiates itself in the market and what unique value it offers compared to its competitors.


Use Case: A strong value proposition resonates with customers. A tech start-up might promote its AI-powered personal assistant app as "Your 24/7 personal organizer, making your life simpler and stress-free".

When is it Relevant?

When you want to define and communicate a unique value proposition that differentiates your products or services in the market.

Sample Prompt

"How can we effectively position our new eco-friendly cleaning products in the market?"

Social and Viral Marketing

This category covers terms that emphasize the use of social media and viral trends to spread marketing messages and engage audiences.


Definition: A word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic on social media platforms.


Use Case: Hashtags increase the discoverability of social media content. A food blogger might use popular hashtags like #FoodieFriday or #RecipeOfTheDay to reach a larger audience on Instagram.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to increase the visibility and reach of your social media posts by using relevant and trending hashtags to categorize and organize your content.

Sample Prompt

"What are some trending hashtags we can use to promote our new product launch on Instagram?"

Influencer Marketing

Definition: A type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers, individuals who have a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche.


Use Case: Influencer collaborations can amplify brand reach. A sustainable fashion brand might partner with an influencer who promotes eco-friendly living, reaching a larger, yet targeted audience that's likely to be interested in their products.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to leverage the influence and reach of popular individuals in your industry to promote your brand or products to their followers, increasing brand visibility and expanding your audience reach.

Sample Prompt

"We're planning an influencer marketing campaign. Can you recommend some influencers in the fashion industry with a strong online presence?"

Influencer Persona

Definition: A representation of an influencer who is likely to be interested in a brand or product, based on factors like interests, audience demographics, and content style.


Use Case: Influencer personas help identify suitable influencers for marketing campaigns. A sports drink brand might develop an influencer persona of fitness coaches with a significant following on YouTube, targeting them for partnerships to promote their hydration product.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to identify and target the most suitable influencers for your influencer marketing campaign by understanding their audience, interests, and content preferences through the creation of influencer personas.

Sample Prompt

"We're looking to collaborate with influencers in the travel niche. Can you help us create influencer personas for our campaign?"

Social Proof

Definition: A psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior. In marketing, it is used to ease the minds of undecided customers.


Use Case: Customer testimonials build trust. A software company might display reviews from satisfied customers on their website and social media to reassure potential customers about the quality of their product.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to build trust and enhance the credibility of your brand or products by showcasing social proof elements such as customer testimonials, reviews, or social media mentions to influence purchase decisions.

Sample Prompt

"How can we incorporate social proof elements such as customer testimonials on our website to enhance credibility?"

Viral Marketing

Definition: A marketing technique which involves creating content that has a high chance of being shared or promoted by its audience, increasing visibility and reach.


Use Case: Viral marketing can exponentially increase brand awareness. A toy company might create a fun challenge involving their product and encourage customers to share their attempts on social media, potentially going viral and reaching a much wider audience.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to create and promote content or campaigns that have the potential to spread rapidly and organically through social sharing, increasing brand visibility and reaching a wider audience.

Sample Prompt

"We're launching a new product. Can you help us brainstorm ideas for a viral marketing campaign that will generate buzz and reach a wide audience?"

Market Research and Analysis

This category includes terms related to the analytical aspects of marketing, such as competitor analysis and identification of key performance indicators.

Competitive Analysis

Definition: A process of identifying and evaluating competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses in relation to your own business.


Use Case: Competitor analysis identifies opportunities and threats. A gourmet burger joint might study rivals' menus, pricing, and customer reviews to spot gaps that they can fill, like vegan options or family deals.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to understand your competitors' strategies and identify opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage.

Sample Prompt

"Could you help us conduct a competitive analysis of our main competitors in the mobile app industry?"

Ideal Customer Profile

Definition: A detailed description of the type of company that would get the most value out of your product or service, and therefore the most likely to convert, remain a customer, and generate revenue.


Use Case: An ideal customer profile guides marketing efforts. A business coaching service might define their ideal customer as a small business owner looking to grow, tailoring their content and advertising to appeal to this group.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to define and target your marketing strategies and messaging to a specific group of customers that align with your business objectives and have the highest potential for conversion and retention.

Sample Prompt

"We're expanding our target market. Can you help us develop an ideal customer profile for our new audience segment?"


Definition: Key Performance Indicator, a type of performance measurement to evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages.


Use Case: Setting KPIs provides a clear direction for marketing efforts. An online magazine might set KPIs around new subscriptions, average time spent on site, and social shares to gauge the success of their content and marketing strategies.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to set measurable goals and track the performance of your marketing activities or campaigns using specific metrics that indicate success, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Sample Prompt

"Which KPIs should we track to assess the success of our social media advertising campaign?"


Definition: An analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project, or business venture.


Use Case: A SWOT analysis helps identify marketing opportunities. A book store conducting a SWOT analysis might realize their strength in curated recommendations, an opportunity in online sales, a weakness in high shipping fees, and a threat from large online booksellers.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to assess and understand your company's internal and external factors, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, in order to develop effective marketing strategies and capitalize on market opportunities.

Sample Prompt

"We're planning our marketing strategy. Can you help us perform a SWOT analysis to assess our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?"

Growth and Other Marketing Strategies

This category contains terms that don't fit neatly into the other categories but are still integral parts of marketing strategies, focusing on growth, engagement, and optimization.

Bounce Rate

Definition: The percentage of website visitors who navigate away after viewing only one page. It's a metric to measure website user engagement and content relevance.


Use Case: Analyzing bounce rates can provide insights on webpage performance. An online retailer might notice a high bounce rate on a product page and decide to improve the page layout or provide more product details to enhance user experience.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to improve the engagement and user experience on your website by reducing the number of visitors who leave without interacting further.

Sample Prompt

"What are some effective strategies to reduce bounce rates on our blog posts?"

Conversational Marketing

Definition: A method of engaging with potential customers through real-time, one-to-one conversations, often facilitated by chatbots or live chat.


Use Case: Chatbots provide immediate, personalized assistance to customers. An online electronics store could implement a chatbot that helps shoppers find the right product based on their needs and budget, improving customer service and driving sales.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to provide a personalized and interactive experience to potential customers on your website, using chatbots or live chat to engage and convert them.

Sample Prompt

"How can we leverage conversational marketing to enhance customer engagement on our website?"

Create a Chatbot: Your Guide using Crisp & ChatGPT
Use Crisp and ChatGPT to build a versatile chatbot for your business. This step-by-step guide takes you through the process, prompt included.
54 ChatGPT Marketing Terms you should know in 2023.

Contextual Marketing

Definition: A form of targeted advertising where the content of an ad is directly related to the content of the webpage on which the ad is displayed.


Use Case: Personalized marketing can boost engagement. A streaming platform, for example, could use viewer watch history to recommend relevant content, enhancing user experience and encouraging more viewing time.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to tailor your marketing messages and experiences to individual users, based on their specific preferences, behaviors, or demographics.

Sample Prompt

"We want to implement contextual marketing on our e-commerce site. Can you recommend tools or platforms to help us achieve this?"

Demand Generation

Definition: The focus of targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company's products and/or services.


Use Case: Lead generation strategies attract potential customers. A B2B software company might host a webinar on industry trends and best practices, collecting attendee contact information for follow-up sales outreach.

When is it Relevant?

When you are introducing a new product or service and want to create awareness and generate interest among potential customers by implementing marketing and sales strategies to attract and nurture them.

Sample Prompt

"We're launching a new product. How can we generate demand and create buzz around its release?"

Growth Marketing

Definition: A data-driven marketing approach that uses rapid experimentation to test and optimize marketing and sales tactics.


Use Case: Growth hacking techniques can fuel rapid business growth. An app start-up might implement a referral program that rewards users for inviting their friends, quickly expanding their user base.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to employ data-driven techniques and experiments to optimize your marketing strategies and rapidly scale your business growth.

Sample Prompt

"How can we leverage growth marketing strategies to accelerate user acquisition for our mobile app?"


Definition: A word or phrase that is used in search engine queries. Keywords are essential in SEO for websites to appear in search results related to these words or phrases.


Use Case: Keyword research is a cornerstone of SEO. A travel blog might target keywords like "best places to visit in Italy" or "Italy travel guide" to draw in readers planning a trip to Italy.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to optimize your website content and improve your organic search rankings by targeting relevant and high-volume keywords that are commonly searched by your target audience.

Sample Prompt

"What are some high-volume keywords we should target in our SEO strategy for our e-commerce site?"


Definition: Online advertising that helps to keep your brand in front of bounced traffic after they leave your website.


Use Case: Retargeting campaigns remind potential customers of their interest. A home décor website might run a Facebook retargeting ad showing the items a visitor viewed but didn't purchase, encouraging them to complete the purchase.

When is it Relevant?

When you want to re-engage potential customers who have previously interacted with your brand or website by showing them targeted ads, reminding them of your products or services and encouraging them to return and complete a desired action.

Sample Prompt

"We're looking to set up a retargeting campaign. How can we effectively retarget website visitors who abandoned their shopping carts?"